Discover the online program that more than 57,000 dog owners have used to rapidly transform their dog into a well-behaved, obedient furry friend.

There are 5 ways I can help you transform ANY dog into a calm, loving and obedient member of the family, even if you feel like you’ve tried everything and nothing has worked.

What do you need help with the most?

I need my dog to be LESS AGGRESSIVE
I need my dog to COME WHEN CALLED
I need my dog to STOP LEASH-PULLING
I need my dog to STOP BARKING
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Have You Watched Helplessly as Your Dog went from Gorgeous Heartbreaker to Naughty Mischief Maker…

You thought owning a dog would be magical. And it is… for the most part.

There are so many precious moments together – playing in the yard, snuggling up on the sofa or taking a walk around the neighborhood. And you just melt every time you look into those adorable eyes right?

But as they grow older their behavior can often change for the worse…

Has your dog or puppy ever…

Acted aggressively?

They’re nipping at other dogs (or even worse, people), pulling on the lead or barking every hour of the day (and night!).

Jumped all over you or your houseguests?

It’s so embarrassing when you have to keep pulling them away. Your guests say ‘don’t worry, it’s fine’ but you feel mortified anyway.

Refused to come when called?

When you’re in a busy and noisy environment they completely ignore your recall, which is incredibly frustrating and ends up causing problems for other dogs and people.

If you have experienced any of the above or you’re worried about any other behavior from your dog, you’re not alone. Solving the above problems (and more!) is what we help thousands of dog owners do every single day.

If you finally want to transform your dog into a loving, obedient member of the family then now is the time to make a change, and fast, before their behavior gets even worse or before your adorable puppy slips into bad habits.

Feel Like You’ve Tried Everything and You’re About to Give Up?

If you’ve used other training methods without seeing the results you were looking for then you know how frustrating it can be. Whether you’ve tried listening to recommendations from a friend or spent hours trawling through the Googles, every training method seems to be too hard to implement, you don’t have enough time, or they just do not work.

...There’s the clicker method, which doesn’t apply to many common situations (plus it’s unbelievably annoying!)

...There’s the bribing with food method, which isn’t sustainable (unless you want a huge food bill, tired arms from carrying around a bag of treats for the rest of your life and an overweight, unhealthy pooch who’s obsessed with the snack draw.)

...There’s the games method, which takes up way too much time to actually be followed properly (and there are about a billion other ways you’d rather spend your time, right?!)

...There’s even the crank method, but honestly who wants to bully their dog into submission with brute force!? (That’s a ‘hell no’ from me, btw.)

...You may have even had a trainer come to visit you and you’re still not seeing results (ugh, so frustrating).

Can I let you in on a little secret?

Every single one of the above methods is flawed… because they focus on the wrong thing!

They don’t realize that a training program can only be effective if it’s based on the psychological triggers and behaviors that ALL dogs understand (and very few humans do, without proper training).

Other training methods focus on the symptoms of your dog’s negative behavior…

But when you make one small switch and follow what we teach instead… wow, will you see changes fast…

…And you’ll start to wonder where we’ve been all your life

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