as | Knowledge of world by bijoy

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The river gangas is most useful river in Bengal ,it stray Himalaya gangatri gomukh himobahe after the river gangs flow  and rich hariddear and that name of padma go to Bangladesh and other name bhagirothi going to hugli district and changed the name hugli river  to end bongopsagor  ,this river is very comfortable, and river water all time present, this rivers water is looking comfortable that mean water not violence of mans life to drinking and bathing and other warming ,this river water is fress  water ,only rainy session  when all time fall rain the Ganges are change their own look ,then the gangs  fully load water  and breaking many man house load water besides Ganges village are fully load water, people are  thinking over flow this gangs ,

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